Very-Berry Flowers Tree


Flowers this juicy-luscious should not be hanging outside a popular brunch spot, tempting hungry patrons. They might look good enough to eat but, you know. Just don’t. Eye candy only.

SKU: WA21-0060 Category: Tags: ,
GTIN: WA21-0060
MPN: WA21-0060
Brand: (Wall) Art By Design and By Nature


We like to know the names of things. It helps us talk about them. Good names tell us more than just “that thing, there.” They can inform and educate and entertain if we take time to pay attention.

So we’d really like to know the name of this tree.

They look like berries flavored like middle schoolers’ candy, but we found a big seed pod nearby and suppose these actually are flowers. They might look good enough to eat but, you know. Just don’t. Eye candy only unless a real expert says otherwise.

Elizabeth C.

Gorgeous site, with so many imaginative images!

3 years ago